mercredi 14 septembre 2011


Feel the lines
crossing his hands
Understand the heart,
begging to be touched.

See the gaze,
firing from his eyes
Understand the soul
melting to be held.

Hear the words,
flowing from his lips
Understand the wisdom
ready to be kissed

A touch
 A breath
  A feel

mardi 13 septembre 2011


I have failed
 my readers,
I have forsaken
 my benefactors,
I am back
 with pen in hand
Ready to draw
 imaginary lines
Between all words
 and the meaning of time
If it allows me
 To claim what was once mine

dimanche 14 août 2011


Vast fields of grass,
Still while the wind
Blows it's wrath,
Let winter begin.

It's cold in your heart
The sun no longer
Relieves you from dark
Dreams and yearnings

Like a prisoner
Behind closed bars
Hands gripping
Fists clutching

Begging to be redeemed

Of the memories of nights
Love and Passion
Forever to be lost
In cells without light.

vendredi 29 juillet 2011

Keep it Alive

Letting her go,
the idea you hold on
to not be stuck
to live fully
the place of a worry
of your own fears
and difficulty
of all loss
embrace and know
your world immersed
in the kiss
of a deceased
the abnormal
unresolved grief
reaction and images
bloody cloth
covering the scenes
the emotions
perhaps a moment

mardi 19 juillet 2011


Here you are
running to reach the line
puffing to reach the sign
end of the journey
to heaven's key.
Yet rapid enough
you aren't to catch up
with the life thrown at you
with the stomp of your shoe
Trying to leave its trace
and not quit the race
run run run
But hold on
Don't let go
Of all you know
run run run
Be the the singer,
Be the dancer
Be the runner
But never a quitter.

mercredi 13 juillet 2011

Beyond Ugliness

I write Poetry

We all deal with pain differently
How do you accept what has been?
How do you go on believing?
Nine years old he was
A man he'll never be
Because someone decided so
Because no one could have known

I write poetry

I'd like to bury the pain
Those prayers said in vain
Justice should be rendered
Or else I surrender
To the evil in this world
To the incomprehensible plan
Us humans carry out.

mardi 12 juillet 2011


Far from the mondaine
Forgotten by common citizens
Shining in the armor
Of the soldiers that lure
A life of  banality
Faced with tragedy
Where death exists
Where thoughts persists.

Far from the urbane
Free to be your brain
Individual with pride
Swim against the tides
of the artificial decor
and the superficial door
They don't understand
They can't comprehend.

Ha, to be free
What can I say, 
I'm far away...
Oh, to feel sorry
Don't you tell, me it's too late...