mardi 12 juillet 2011


Far from the mondaine
Forgotten by common citizens
Shining in the armor
Of the soldiers that lure
A life of  banality
Faced with tragedy
Where death exists
Where thoughts persists.

Far from the urbane
Free to be your brain
Individual with pride
Swim against the tides
of the artificial decor
and the superficial door
They don't understand
They can't comprehend.

Ha, to be free
What can I say, 
I'm far away...
Oh, to feel sorry
Don't you tell, me it's too late...

6 commentaires:

  1. Yes, to be free from trappings, to be be who we really are. Lovely poetry as always.

  2. I know what you mean. I struggle to be free of the trappings of this world each and every day.
    Very nice writing! Thanks for sharing!

  3. bless you,

    may you be freed soon.
    you deserve to be happy.

  4. Very nice, however, once you're free, you have to keep fighting to stay there.

  5. The limitations we place on ourselves are the those most binding, freedom being a mind state. Wonderful poem

  6. Loveliness. I like this, the whole question of freedom is always an interesting one and one that is definitely open to such limitless interpretation. I hope you find freedom!
