mercredi 14 septembre 2011


Feel the lines
crossing his hands
Understand the heart,
begging to be touched.

See the gaze,
firing from his eyes
Understand the soul
melting to be held.

Hear the words,
flowing from his lips
Understand the wisdom
ready to be kissed

A touch
 A breath
  A feel

mardi 13 septembre 2011


I have failed
 my readers,
I have forsaken
 my benefactors,
I am back
 with pen in hand
Ready to draw
 imaginary lines
Between all words
 and the meaning of time
If it allows me
 To claim what was once mine

dimanche 14 août 2011


Vast fields of grass,
Still while the wind
Blows it's wrath,
Let winter begin.

It's cold in your heart
The sun no longer
Relieves you from dark
Dreams and yearnings

Like a prisoner
Behind closed bars
Hands gripping
Fists clutching

Begging to be redeemed

Of the memories of nights
Love and Passion
Forever to be lost
In cells without light.

vendredi 29 juillet 2011

Keep it Alive

Letting her go,
the idea you hold on
to not be stuck
to live fully
the place of a worry
of your own fears
and difficulty
of all loss
embrace and know
your world immersed
in the kiss
of a deceased
the abnormal
unresolved grief
reaction and images
bloody cloth
covering the scenes
the emotions
perhaps a moment

mardi 19 juillet 2011


Here you are
running to reach the line
puffing to reach the sign
end of the journey
to heaven's key.
Yet rapid enough
you aren't to catch up
with the life thrown at you
with the stomp of your shoe
Trying to leave its trace
and not quit the race
run run run
But hold on
Don't let go
Of all you know
run run run
Be the the singer,
Be the dancer
Be the runner
But never a quitter.

mercredi 13 juillet 2011

Beyond Ugliness

I write Poetry

We all deal with pain differently
How do you accept what has been?
How do you go on believing?
Nine years old he was
A man he'll never be
Because someone decided so
Because no one could have known

I write poetry

I'd like to bury the pain
Those prayers said in vain
Justice should be rendered
Or else I surrender
To the evil in this world
To the incomprehensible plan
Us humans carry out.

mardi 12 juillet 2011


Far from the mondaine
Forgotten by common citizens
Shining in the armor
Of the soldiers that lure
A life of  banality
Faced with tragedy
Where death exists
Where thoughts persists.

Far from the urbane
Free to be your brain
Individual with pride
Swim against the tides
of the artificial decor
and the superficial door
They don't understand
They can't comprehend.

Ha, to be free
What can I say, 
I'm far away...
Oh, to feel sorry
Don't you tell, me it's too late...

lundi 4 juillet 2011

Writing-Have you?

Has the wind stopped blowing?
Have the roof tops stopped shining?
Has the rain stopped singing?
Have the old men stopped crying?

Have you stopped to see?
Have you stopped to feel?

Has the sun stopped beating?
Have the city streets stopped rushing?
Has the grass stopped growing?
Have the deserts stopped dying?

Have you stopped to hear?
Have you stopped to fear?

Had the sun stopped beating,
And had the wind stopped blowing
Had the mind seen it coming,

I would have stopped writing.

dimanche 29 mai 2011


How to seek the fury of the sea
How to know the moods of the wind
When he left, he didn't tell me
That the stronger you are
The more you win.
They come and go
The people you love,
The people you give
The will to sail away,
To survive and wish again.
Forever you'll be the one
To look into the sea
To find the one meaning
Of that which will never be.
Ask the wind to take you back
Tell the rain to hold its wrath
Yell at those who could not see
The tornado raging deep
The beauty of your sea
The one that will never be
But a storm of tears
of joy
and overcome fears.

jeudi 19 mai 2011

Paradox of Boredom

Define the state of mind
When your brain cells are dead
When all you have is lame
Ideas that come and go
Never to be done
Nor to be tried in
Know the limits of your art
When bounded by your pen
When all of words and song
You hear are neither fun
Nor ever dull
To burst through
Illogical term to say
When interest fades away
When choices overwhelm
 Inactivity we might wish
To never loose
Nor ever choose

vendredi 13 mai 2011


Hear the lost songs,
dying in the wind.
The sound of melodies,
deafened by the bombs.

Find the lost boys,
seeking for the love.
The endless searching,
for meaning and joy.

Watch the lost stars,
shinning in the sky.
The symbol of hope,
As loneliness departs.

dimanche 8 mai 2011

An apology for my Absence

You feel the void,
You want to hear
You turn to fill
The absence of a voice

You yearn to catch
You pray to see
You beg to kill
The absence of a grasp.

You choose to leave
You want to know
You hate the hole
The absence of a grief.

You fight to stay
You cry to tell
You like to hug
The absence of all gray.

jeudi 21 avril 2011


A different breeze,
Different poetry
But what a heart needs,
Is beyond all wish.

A wish of hope,
Wish to think of
But what a heart feels,
is beyond all love.

Love me now,
Love me not
But what a heart knows,
is beyond all joy.

mercredi 13 avril 2011


I've forgotten the warmth,
The feel of the sun.

The shine of the light,
A fire long gone,
Yet I burn for the touch,
Of beauty alone.

I've imagined the doom,
The words in our eyes.

The weights of our smiles,
And some other lies,
Yet I burn from the tears,
Of all silent cries.

I've forsaken the rights,
The will of surrender.

The fragments of life,
The hope for power.
But I burn for the growth
Of a blooming flower.

jeudi 7 avril 2011

Time please Heal

She Dared
Obscured  by the light
Entranced  by the night.
She Stared
Thinking of the day
Wondering off her way.
She Teared
Up the life of plans
Falling into hands.
She Feared
Their ticking racing
Slowly destroying.
She Cared 
For all lost moments
Long gone instants.
She Bared 
Her precious memories
Threw them in the sea.
She Cleared
Mind of all times
Burden to all kind.

vendredi 1 avril 2011

Try for Love

Try to catch
The glimpse of gold
The fleeting shine
Of darting Love.

Try to see
Lost in the stars
The cold universe
Of healing scars.

Try to halt
The forever time
The painful joy
Of hearts like mine.

Try it all
The ailing pain
The invisible ache
Of misery's reign.

mardi 29 mars 2011

Will you be my friend?

It’s all His hand, it’s His idea:
He tells me the joys you share,
Calls on me when you shed tears.
You know my friend,
Maybe we shall pretend?

No need to hear my voice,
Or to see my eyes,
When you see them brown,
 The light sees them shine.
My comments will tell,
Whom and what I like
My pictures will show,
Who and what I am.
No need to feel my presence;
You now know my charm.

Ever seen you?  Heard of you?
Watched you grow through pictures,
When you ask: ever met before?
My, sure, in caricature
Virtually he suggested
You as my friend,
 Intrigued me by
 The cello in your hands.

On our own,
 Maybe we would‘ve met,
Maybe stared at a painting
 On a wall,
In an Art museum like we use to,
 Like we use to wonder,
 Who is that boy, who is that girl?
In the picture, what is in her?

Now Facebook tells you
She is whom you see,
He is whom you should seek
The friend you will never be,
For an added name on your list.

lundi 21 mars 2011


It's a broken glass,
It's the stolen pass
It's a pain that lasts
It's the dying grass.

It's the beat in the air,
It's the throb of  fear
It's the fall of a tear
It's the weight to bear.

It's a wounded love
It's a captured dove
It's an iron glove
It's the heat above

It's the never ending
It's the constant bleeding
It's the heart pending
It's the final mending.

It's the censured name
It's the unspoken shame
I'ts the rejected blame
It's the raging flame.

It's the supreme breath
It's the name of death
It's the eternal rest
It's the ultimate test.

jeudi 17 mars 2011

G.od why?

Tell me God what have I done; tell me God what is it?
Why do you allow me to be pierced? Why do you allow their knife to hit?
Does my pain color your world? Do my tears fill up your sea?
Please tell them how much I hurt, please show them how deep I bleed
I used to pray
For my soul to be slay
If only peace
Would claim its place.
But the never ending
Thump and beating
Steals the air
Of a heart at risk.
Oh, God why don’t you?
Hear me, hear my plea.
See my pain, see my grief.
Let me breathe, let me be.
Only You,
Know my wish:
To disappear, to forget
So many tears, a secret,
A soul  at see, 
A hope in me;
For a life,
That will never be. 

lundi 14 mars 2011


You said we all feel,
You said loving is real.
You chased away the magic
And  was left to heal.

You said we all yearn
You said each gets a turn
You threw away my heart
And I was left to burn.

One touch,
one breath,
You let it fly.
If never caught
It will soar high..

When you'll be searching
See me through the stars
See me be,
Me who was left
burning to heal.

I apologize if some of this doesn't make to much sense to you, I've just written it and will probably want to make some changes, but hey this was my inspiration :)

vendredi 11 mars 2011

What is the Cure?

What is it?
A heart that beats too fast
Haunted eyes,
A mind still in the past
Sleepless nights.
I can no longer go home
Why is it?

mardi 8 mars 2011

Dream in The Night

One of those nights
When the moon
The wonders,
Dreams of reality
The silent wind,
Quiet harmony
Chants the
Cry of her aching wounds.

One of those moments
Without tune
The broken voice,           
Fading melody
The beauty,
Perfect purity
Isolates the
 Sky above the dunes.

At last, yes
 It awakes
The sound,
Charity of a soul
The moan,
Pain of the cold
Defies the
                Loss of a heartbreak.  

At last, yes
 It knows
The peace,
The shine of gold
The envy,
The power it holds
Captures the
 Instant and runs.

lundi 7 mars 2011

Burn and Write

Write without thinking,                                      
Words accusing                                              
Pointing at life and denouncing                          
Freedom of our minds                                      
Blindness of our hearts.                                    
Try to scream                                                  
Understand the feeling                                    
You want to know,                                        
You want to feel                                              
Touch the sun
Change it's color
Burn your soul
Rest forever.

samedi 5 mars 2011

The Dream of the Lonely

When the sun goes down,
When birds cease to sing,
And when night laughs at you,
You know you're on your own.

They all deserted
To the land of the dreams,
A land where you'll find,
No welcoming peace.

So you'll wonder around,
Searching for the key
To escape the mind,
The grip of the diseased.

Alternative text:
When the sun goes down. when the last train is out of sight, when the birds sing good night, you;re on your own. You enter a dimension where all dreams are accessible as long as they are only dreams. When you reenter reality, you aren't allow to talk about whom you are and what you've done in the other world.
And if they ever become true in this world, you'll have to start all over. Find another world to escape to and make sure it can never be caught.
In your search of utopia, you might encounter disguised devils. They'll tell you what to hope for and what to believe. they'll tell you where to go and what to feel. They'll paint the line between the land of dream and the land of life.The painting will become your reality, without anywhere to escape to anymore.
You are trapped in this world for better and for worse.

vendredi 4 mars 2011

The Will

So you say
                You can sing,
   You think
                You can rule,
   You know
                You can be.

But can you
                Hear my chant?
       Can you
                Set me free?
       Can you
                Be for me?

 We all have it in us. 
We can all love, we can all give, we can all take. 
Often, we just don't know how. Often, we just have to ask.
But your voice isn't the one of the world, 
your voice speaks to you and none other.
Alone, you go searching, hoping to find 
 bits of humanity.

jeudi 3 mars 2011

My Life As a Scorpio

They say we were all born under the stars.
They say they serve your luck.
The stars watch over you,        cry when you cry,     rejoice for your joys           and scream for your pain.
My stars have forgotten how to smile,
have lost their voices to my pain
and dried out their eyes for my tears.

The Scorpio in me, won't let me be.
I should've been a worm, and let the Scorpio overtake me. Instead,
I am there to lead, with no follower.
I am there to love, with no believer.
I am there to give, with no voucher.
That is the life of us Scorpios. The intensity and verity of our feeling are too much for other stars to carry.
It is a heavy weight, it is a scary gift.
Nothing is as precious as love,
but when is real,
you all flee.
Because us Scorpio, we mean what we feel.

The Heart of a City

Woman’s heel beating on the sidewalks, you hear life rushing.
You hear it but you can’t see it.
Where is the heart of the city, where could it be?
All you see is bright lights, teasing hair, glowing eyes and shallow tears.
Lost in the crowded streets, you call out to the trees.
Down there, chuckles and words bounce off their body, ripple down the road, and straight into the sea.
Gone is the mind, gone is the spirit.
The smoke of their dreams brings you back to reality.
Welcome to the island of utopia, welcome to the city.
You thought you loved, you thought you believed
But define the heart that stands for every feeling.
Behind every motion, behind what you call meaning;
Sunk in the sea of action, emptiness is spreading.  
How will we walk, how can we talk?
How can we disrupt, the calm that is raging?
Watch us, and you’ll learn how we move.
Listen and you’ll know what we chose.
Our heels are beating, our hearts are breathing.
It is in this city, that we will live to be.
To be and to laugh, to hope and to watch
To become who’ve you become,
But to never let it be,
The last word of destiny.   

mercredi 2 mars 2011

The Way We Feel

She walked through the street,
                Of the busy city
The rush of the cars,
                Passing by in a hurry
The hiss of the wind,
                Flying through buildings
The colorful leaves,
                Falling and twirling
The gaze of a stranger,
                Telling her no worry.

She can see, she can feel
But she holds the key,
                                To her captivity.
While her eyes search for words,
                Her lips remain locked.

She welcomes in her world,
Loneliness and deceit.

She wishes she could,
                If only, seize the hand
Of those who want to,
                Feel her shine.
Instead she turns her back,
                She traverses the road
                                To the empty path.

But she walks and smiles,
                Is friendly and versatile
You’ll see her, you’ll love her,
                Yet you’ll never know
                                What’s really in her?

For too long I have remained quiet. I have given, taken, loved and hated. But there is always someone to share it with. Someone who can understand and doesn’t need to know why. It’s simply the way I feel. So I’ve decided to start blogging to all of you out there who may be looking for a way to be heard and understood without risking your heart.